
Mug Tie-Cozy Free Pattern and Tutorial

Cozy collection-02

Please tell me I’m not the only one who needs every style and size of cozy there is. Yes, I use all three of these often. Yes, I will share these patterns with you! We already have our Coffee Shop Cozy and Mason Jar Cozy up and running.

Today I will show you how to make the mug tie cozy (the one on the left). I think the ones with a button are super cute but they stress me out a little because when the yarn stretches or the mug is bigger (you know, when you need more coffee after a rough night) it might not fit! This design lends itself to flexibility so no stress for you!

The other great thing about this design is I intentionally made it so beginners can learn to work in rows without the worry of their project ending in hopelessly crooked rows. Your rows may be still be a little crooked, but on a small project it is not as noticeable if you leave it and no big deal to rip out a few rows to fix it. I’ve told you all about learning to crochet when I was 8 and how my baby blanket looked like a trapezoid (I may or may not have cried…) Since I don’t want you to cry, I decided to make this pattern and picture tutorial just for you!
Cozy collection-07This is my favorite mug given to me by one of my favorite people (yeah, it was Monika). I love how the yarn and the brown speckles in the mug match. It also has a travel lid. It’s pretty perfect. Is it time for coffee yet?!

Okay, onto the pattern. Click on any photo to get a closer look and use the back button on your browser to return to the tutorial.

Favorite or Queue on Ravelry here.

Yarn: I used Hobby Lobby’s I Love This Cotton Twist but any worsted weight cotton will work.

Hook: Size (I-9) 5.5 mm

Abbreviations and written pattern located at the end of tutorial.

To begin: Chain 12. The cozy will sit sideways on the mug so here is where you can adjust the side by increasing or decreasing the number of chains. Need help getting started? Check out our Casting on and Chaining Tutorial.

Row 1: Sc (single crochet) in 2nd ch from hook and in ea rem ch. (11 sc)

Cozy tie tutorial-01

To begin row 2 you will come to the end of the row as pictured (except you only have one row complete, not many as pictured).Cozy tie tutorial-02

Next you will chain one (as pictured). Just like you chained before to begin the cozy, you chain one right where you finished the last stitch.Cozy tie tutorial-03

Next, turn your work over so you can continue making stitches starting in the last stitch made of the first row. Compare this photo and the previous photo – note how the piece flipped from one hand to the other like a door would swing on a hinge. Cozy tie tutorial-04

Next work a sc in the first sc next to your hook. This is the last sc you made in row 1. Unless a pattern specifies otherwise, always work under both loops of the stitch. (single crochet in stitch tutorial)Cozy tie tutorial-05

Continue working across the row to the last stitch.

Rows 3 – 26: Ch 1, turn, sc in ea st across. (11 sc)

Do not finish off.

Now we begin the trim! We begin working the trim right where we left off at the end of row 26.

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1. Sc in same st as last sc of row 26. So there will be 2 sc in the corner of the cozy as pictured.Cozy tie tutorial-09


2. Sc at the end of each row along the long side of cozy. Work 2 sc in the corner.Cozy tie tutorial-06

3. Sc in each of the next 5 stitches then chain 30 as pictured.
Cozy tie tutorial-07

4. Skip 1 stitch, sc in the last 5 stitches as pictured.

Repeat steps 1 – 4 to work the trim around the last two sides.

Finish off and weave in ends.

Tie onto your mug and enjoy!

Keep scrolling to view abbreviations and written pattern.

We made a pretty big decision recently at The Firefly Hook. We don’t want to have a website with ads to earn income from what we do. We want to create with you, help you learn something about crocheting, and get you excited about inspiring others!

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More coffee cozy pattern fun: Coffee Shop Cozy and Appliques 

Click on any photo to view the pattern for sale in our Ravelry shop!

three cozy-02 Heart cozy-02 Flower cozy-02 Cherry cozy-02


Cozy collection-07Mug Tie Cozy

Yarn: Hobby Lobby’s I Love this Cotton Twist

Yarn Weight: Medium Worsted

Colors Pictured: 400 Monkey Brown

Hook: Size (I-9) 5.5 mm

Gauge: 12 sts and 14 rows = 4” in sc

Completed Dimensions (Cozy lying flat, not including ties): 8 x 3”

Skill Level: Beginner (first time crocheter)

Necessary Skills: Basic stitches, working in rows


[ ] – work instructions within brackets as many times as directed

( ) – additional instructions and/or stitches to work

ch— chain

sc— single crochet

rep— repeat

st(s)— stitch(es)

ea— each

sl st— slip stitch



Ch 12.

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in ea rem ch. (11 sc)

Rows 2 – 26: Ch 1, turn, sc in ea st across. (11 sc)

Do not finish off.

(Add or subtract rows to fit your mug. Remember, it will stretch after use.)


Begin where you left off final row.

Row 1: Sc in same st, sc at the end of each row along side of cozy, 2 sc in corner, sc in ea of the next 5 sts of short side of cozy, ch 30, sk 1 st, sc in ea of the next st 5 sts, 2 sc in corner, sc at the end of each row along other side of cozy, 2 sc in corner, sc in ea of the next 5 sts of short side of cozy, ch 30, sk 1 st, sc in ea of the next 5 sts, sl st in next st, finish off, weave in ends.

Favorite or Queue on Ravelry here.

4 thoughts on “Mug Tie-Cozy Free Pattern and Tutorial”

  1. Hi Abbey!

    I just found out I cannot attend the class on May 17th for the nesting bowls.  I have paid for the class and bought the pattern on line as I am very excited to learn them.   Can we set up a time to meet and I can  learn the bowls ?

    I was in your rug class and finished it well. 

    I think I can do the bowls but would like to make sure I have any guidance I may need. 

    Are there other yarns you recommend besides the sari silk?  If so what would it be and what size of hook would I need?

    Please let me know your thoughts or ideas on this.

    Thank you,

    Sheila Hutson-Thompson


    1. Hi Shelia!
      That’s so sad! It would have been fun to see you again. I can do a private lesson May 3rd & 10th from noon – 1 pm. Let me know if that works for you.
      You can choose any bulky or super bulky yarn. You want the bowls to be stiff so use a smaller hook. We can choose yarn when we get together too so we can get the right hook size.




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